07537151473 Why is this number calling

07537151473 Why is this number calling

There is an increase in the number of people committing phone fraud in 2023 and 2024. There are a lot of scammers trying to get people’s information with a different number almost every day. Today we will discuss the 07537151473 review for you. Who owns the number 07537151473 and which company uses it? Why is this number calling 07537151473?

This number 07537151473 is not a TPS compatible phone. As a result of the comments and reviews, it was announced that this number calls 97% of those registered with TPS. It appears that the number directly targets people registered with the Telephone Preference Service.

This number, which has been linked to fraudulent activity in which callers impersonate Ofcom, is registered as a mobile number operated by Stour Marine Limited. The overall users’ ratings for this number are negative and Negative. If you received a call from 07537 151473, please see the comments below. Contribute comments.

The phone number 07537151473 has been reported by our vigilant and trustworthy community as being primarily associated with timeshare fraud activity. Imitating Ofcom! It is possible that this number is not real and does not belong to Ofcom, despite what the caller suggested.


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