Why is 02045366607 calling?

Why is 02045366607 calling?

02045366607 is a London based caller number. Be careful if this number is calling you! Why is the phone number 02045366607 calling you? Who is this phone number 02045366607, under which company name is it registered?

Recently, it has started to stand out as a number that is on the list of frequently called numbers.


This number is mainly associated with phone spam activities. This number, (020 45366607) which has been linked primarily to fraudulent activity where callers impersonate Amazon, is a landline operated by Colt Technology Services. Is located (020) in London, England.

London, England (United Kingdom)

The number (020) 45366607, starting with the dialing code 020, is a landline number with calls to London and surrounding areas of England.

First of all, is 020 45366607 a phone spam activity or a scam? For what purpose is he calling you, what does he want? If this number 020 45366607 called you, what did he say and what did he want? Be the first to comment so everyone can learn about this caller number.


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